Frequently asked Questions

What happens in a session?
Within a safe, reflective, space we work together and explore the issues that are causing disharmony so you can find a deeper self-understanding, compassion, and empowerment within. This is primarily through talking but we may use creative arts or other techniques if they are helpful to the process.
How long is a session?
A session is 50 minutes long.
How many sessions will i need?
There really is no single answer to this as it will depend on what issues you are experiencing. Generally, sessions are weekly and when the time comes to finish, we discuss it and hold a closing session. The decision when to finish is always yours and it is important to trust when this feels right for you.
How much do you charge?
The fee per session is €70, payable in advance (if online). If you need to cancel your appointment, please let me know as soon as possible. A cancellation fee applies if less than 48 hours’ notice is given.
Are our sessions confidential?
Yes, with some exceptional circumstances which I will explain during our first session. These relate primarily to ethical and legal obligations such as the Children First Act.
How do i begin?
Simply contact me by phone or email if you wish to make an appointment. Alternatively, click on the box below to avail of a Free 15-minute consultation.

Free 15 Minutes Conversation

The idea of starting therapy may be daunting, so please feel free to avail of the free 15-minute conversation which will give you a chance to talk with me, ask questions and become clearer if therapy seems like the right choice for you.
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